The joint statement issued by Dr Singh and PM Abe in Tokyo.
'If, God forbid, India decided it was in its interests to reach a more robust military agreement with Iran, that would be enough to ruin the [India-US] relationship.
'If he looked at it purely as an Islamic bomb, he would not have sold the nuclear secrets to North Korea. Khan was fighting the West, through North Korea, Iran and Libya,'\nsays Gordon Corera.
Politicians on either side of the secular fence should tell people that Pakistan has now attacked the heartland and peninsular India after targeting the northeast, Punjab and Kashmir, says former IB official Maloy Krishna Dhar.
'To suggest that we have to take a decision on dialogue because certain countries have a certain view is showing great disrespect for Indian foreign policy,' says Foreign Secretary Kanwal Sibal.
'China will continue to play Pakistan against India to achieve complete superiority. But China at best is a regional power, we must not exaggerate its capabilities,' says nuclear analyst Dr R R Subramanian.